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How To Use Rosemary Oil For Hair Growth
Sabriina Reid
Reviewed by Tiana Westwood

SABRIINA REID is a Contributing Writer & Editor at Sitting Pretty. With a thin-hair-but-a-lot-of-it hair type, she writes from years of personal experience when it comes to fine hair solutions. Through her background in fashion and beauty, she’ll get you into everything from toe shoes to caffeine shampoo. Sabriina oversees content on the blog and is our resident grammar girl.

How To Use Rosemary Oil For Hair Growth

In this article

    Trust it to the Mediterranean to have an herb that prevents hair loss, promotes hair growth, and makes chicken just taste better. That’s rosemary. And when you reduce down this aromatic herb, rosemary oil’s hair growth abilities are unmatched.

    For hundreds of years, Mediterranean cultures have allegedly been using rosemary oil for hair growth. And on top of that, more contemporary studies support rosemary oil as a restorative hair loss treatment and hair growth stimulator. Believe us, this one’s a keeper (and it’s so easy to incorporate into your routine!)

    Read on for a super simple rosemary infused hair growth recipe. Plus, all the other benefits of this delicious herb!

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    Rosemary Oil Hair Benefits

    To understand rosemary oil’s hair growth benefits, it’s important to know just how it helps our hair so you can fully appreciate it! Best part: clinical studies even support hair growth claims as well.

    Hair Loss Prevention

    In 2015, a study on those with alopecia proved that rosemary oil as a hair loss treatment was as effective as minoxidil, the main medication in Rogaine. These restorative results are likely attributed to carnosic acid, an active ingredient in the plant which was found to heal tissue and nerve damage in another study as well!

    For breakage and hair loss caused by styling and bleaching, rosemary oil benefits hair loss greatly. And may be the secret sauce to more stubborn forms of hair loss, like alopecia and pattern baldness.

    Increased Circulation

    Similar to peppermint oil, rosemary oil helps remedy hair loss and promote new growth by being a great blood circulator at the area of use. When used in a scalp massage, blood flow is sent to the follicle, activating healthy cell turnover, and preventing the follicle from being starved from blood flow (the cause of some hair loss conditions).


    Have a dry scalp or dandruff? Rosemary oil can help alleviate mild cases of dandruff and soothe the scalp. Some dandruff is caused by yeast, scalp bacteria, or other skin conditions, so always seek a professional if dandruff seems stubborn. But, many have found rosemary oil benefits tender skin and relieve an itchy scalp.

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    Rosemary Oil Hair Growth Recipe

    The best way to recap rosemary oil’s hair growth benefits, in our humble-thin-haired-girl opinion, is to jack it up with castor oil. We already love castor oil for all its amazing hair growth benefits so adding the two together is a sure fire way to stimulate growth for even the stubborn-est follicles.

    Our go-to rosemary oil hair growth recipe is one you can easily make at home, with less than an hour of time. Try to find organic or the most natural products you can. These are usually more expensive or found at specialty health food stores, but they’re worth the efficacy!


    • ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil (or jojoba oil or argan oil if you find treatments with EVOO are too heavy for your hair)
    • ¼ cup castor oil
    • 8-10 sprigs of fresh rosemary
    • Medium to large pot
    • Large metal mixing bowl (large enough to sit atop your pot)


    We’ll use the double boil method to ensure ingredients aren’t overcooked and reduce rosemary oil’s hair growth benefits!

    1. Get a medium to large pot and boil about half a pot full of water on high.
    2. While the water is boiling, prepare your rosemary by washing and drying it fully (while still on the stick). If there’s excess water left on the sprigs, it’ll go into your oil and dilute it so wash, pat dry, and let sit if water is still present.
    3. In your large metal mixing bowl, tear rosemary leaves off the stick and combine all ingredients in the bowl.
    4. Once your pot of water is boiling, reduce the heat to simmer or its lowest setting.
    5. Place your large metal mixing bowl on top of the pot, making sure the water does not touch the bowl. If it does, carefully empty some of the water.
    6. Continuously stir the oils and rosemary sprigs for 15 minutes. The oil will become a bit cloudy as time goes on.
    7. After, remove the pot and bowl from the stove top and let cool. Keep the bowl on the pot for this, but move to the counter or an OFF element.
    8. Once cooled, strain your oil into a dark glass container. If it’s clear glass, that’s okay, but dark will preserve your oil longer!

    Read Next: Castor Oil Benefits for Hair and The Hair Masks To Reap Them

    How to Use Rosemary Oil for Hair Growth

    Now that you have this amazing rosemary oil infused hair growth elixir, you can use a dropper to portion the oil onto your scalp. We don’t suggest dipping your hands in the oil because hands can cause contamination in your pure oil.

    To use rosemary oil for hair loss prevention, we suggest using the oil anywhere from 1-3x a week, focusing just on your scalp! You can definitely use it more often, but it’s not necessary as this is a jam-packed nourishing oil for hair growth!

    Most importantly, make sure you massage the oil into your scalp. No hair growth comes from just placing an oil on your head! You need to give yourself a scalp massage for 5-10 minutes, preferably using the inversion method to stimulate blood flow!

    Once massaged in, leave overnight or wash out after a couple hours. This is a heavy oil so you probably won’t want to use it on freshly washed hair first thing in the morning.

    Have questions or comments on using rosemary oil for hair growth? Drop them below!

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