Hair Hack: How To Create A High Ponytail With Your Halo [Video Tutorial]
The high ponytail. Such a simple look, yet for most girls it's trickier than expected to get it right.![Hair Hack: How To Create A High Ponytail With Your Halo [Video Tutorial]](
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The high ponytail. Such a simple look, yet for most girls it's trickier than expected to get it right.
Mainly because a perfect high ponytail requires:
- Thick hair
- Hair long enough so that you don't have bits of hair sticking out in all directions.
You've probably already realised that hair extensions are the secret to rocking a high ponytail, if you're wanting more ponytail volume and length.
And yes, you can create an amazing high ponytail with our Sitting Pretty halo hair extensions, using Jordan's styling hack in the video below.
Styling a high ponytail with halo hair extensions.
If you're thinking of investing in hair extensions (for everyday wear as well as for epic ponytails):
You want to make sure you're not damaging your hair with beads, clips, tapes and glues etc.
Our Sitting Pretty Halo sits on your head without causing hair damage.
So you can get your dream hair without the sacrifice.
And enjoy all your favourite hairstyles with longer, thicker hair.
If you've already got a Sitting Pretty Halo:
You've probably played around with hairstyles, maybe dabbled in a low-mid height ponytail, but you weren't sure if a seriously high ponytail was possible.
Until now.
It all starts with unclipping the wire from your halo.
Watch Jordan create this natural looking, thick high ponytail using her THIN Sitting Pretty Halo in col. Beige Blonde + Dark Blonde 613/10:
Subscribe to our YouTube channel here to see our latest hair styling tutorials.
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[Full transcript]
Hey guys, it's Jordy and welcome to my third Youtube video with Sitting Pretty.
I'm going to be creating this beautiful Blake Lively inspired ponytail for you all, so make sure you keep watching.
Okay so to start off with I'm going to be using my fine halo hair extensions and I've actually just unclip the wire because we're going to be doing something a little bit different today.
You don't have to worry about curling your extensions just yet because we're going to be doing that when we put all of the hair together.
To start off with you gonna need three or four bobby pins and what you're gonna do is you're gonna actually thread them through the lace.
If you can see the lace just there, I'm gonna grab the long bobby pin and anchor it.
Just thread it through on one side, and you're gonna do that on either end and then you're gonna do two around in the middle points.
Now when you've finished it should look something like this: all four bobby pins should be just anchored in the lace.
What we're going to be doing is creating an anchor point at the bace of your head.
You want to kind of make a small circle around the crown of your head like so.
It doesn't have to be perfect either, and just secure it with one.
You want this to be quite tight and you want it to be quite high like this because that's our base.
Now what we're gonna do is we're gonna grab these bobby pins just here and you're going to put one of them in the front like so. You're basically going to wrap the extension piece around the hair.
Next anchor point you're going to thread through and in like that.
Just keep winding the extension piece around your ponytail, you want to make sure these bobby pins are underneath the elastic.
So now that the base of the ponytail is done, you want to create some texture. So I've got my sea salt spray and I've also got my texturizing spray. Just to create a little bit of body before we put the ponytail up.
Grab your sea salt spray and just kind of in the roots, massage that in, and you want to do the same with your texturizing body spray.
So now that we've created some really beautiful texture in our hair, we're going to flip our hair over, grab it in a ponytail and secure it with a hair tie.
Now that you've got your hair up in a ponytail - you can already see how beautiful and thick that is. But we haven't finished yet, you still need to curl it.
You want to grab the comb, and you just want to grab pieces like this underneath here, and just kind of pull out that tension. Also a really good tip is if you do have a lot of lumps and bumps, grab the end of that comb and run it right through the top layer, pull a little bit and slide back.
That'll create that really beautiful soft, even finish and get rid of all of those bumps.
You pull the top and pull the bottom bits - try and make sure you get that anchor point that we started off with. Pull either side and that will make for a really really perky ponytail, which is really what you want.
I like to make sure those little bits on the side are kind of out as well. Not too many, but it softens up the edges of your look.
Okay, and we're almost there.
Okay so now we're going to curl our ponytail.
So just half your ponytail and then winds this up and pop it aside for later, and we're just going to focus on this bit for now.
When curling my hair I prefer to use a thicker barrel.
The thicker barrel, the better I think. Only because I find that it's a softer wave, it's more beachy, it's more natural.
So you just wanna grab small bits.
Starting off at the bottom I find is easiest, and just starting from the back and curling, leaving small bits straight at the end so it looks a little bit more natural.
I just find that's a really nice tip, it doesn't look so ringlet-y at the end, it doesn't leave a short blunt end to your ponytail.
Ok so I've curled all of that ponytail. Brush it out a bit, it creates that really beautiful soft wavy that we're after.
Now you can always go back and grab these smaller bits at the top, and direction them specifically towards where you want them to go. So, you know make them a bit more higher, and then curling the ends. This will create more volume at the top, you can kind of see it there.
And what you want to do is grab your sea salt spray again, and kind of spray your ponytail and piece it all together and scrunch it up like this to create that really nice beachy look.
And then again with your texturising spray - grab half of your ponytail, split it into two and spray at the top. And grab your comb, slightly back comb a little bit.
So one last tip:
You don't have to do this if you don't want to, but I like to hide my elastic.
I'm going to be grabbing a small piece like so, from underneath my ponytail, and using a texture spray just spray that piece quite heavily with product, and smooth it all out.
Then what you want to do is you're gonna wrap it around your elastic band like so.
When you get to the end you want to grab your bobby pin, and you want to try secure this underneath the ponytail so you don't see it.
Okay so yeah this is the final look.
My messy ponytail with the halo hair extensions and not using the wire, adding a couple of bobby pins into the lace of the extensions and popping it in.
I just think it's such a nice look for summer.
Now I love creating these videos for you guys show you the ins and outs of how I use my extensions and I really hope you guys are loving it too.
So make sure you subscribe, give us a thumbs up and comment any questions below because we'd love to hear from you.
Now also we love seeing what you guys get up to so if you do recreate this look, please make sure you tag @sittingprettyhalohair and I, we love to see how you guys use your extensions.
Best practices for styling your halo in a high ponytail:
- It's all about getting your Sitting Pretty Halo feeling snug when you anchor it to your ponytail. So make sure you use strong bobby pins, keep the halo tight as you wrap it around, and apply the pins securely to your hair.
- When you wrap a strand of hair around the hair tie, use a piece of your natural hair rather than a piece of the halo. As this piece of hair needs to be sprayed with a lot of product, it's best to apply product to your real hair and save yourself from having to wash texturising sprays out of your halo after.
- Ensure you've got some strong hair ties - you might even need to use two hair ties. Since you're adding so much more hair to your head, you'll need durable hair ties to keep your ponytail looking perky.
Enjoy! If you try this look, tag us @sittingprettyhalohair on Instagram and leave a comment below if you have any questions.
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