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Hair Extensions and Why the Halo is the Best [Infographic]

"Are Halo hair extensions for me?"

In this infographic we explore the reason why so many girls are opting for the Halo.

And we compare the Halo Extension head-to-head with other common hair extension methods, like tapes, wefts and clip-ins.

Then you can decide yourself if you think halo hair extensions are the best.

Taryn Melissa
Reviewed by Kaitlyn Wilson

TARYN MELISSA is a beauty, haircare, and hair extensions expert with 9+ years of industry experience. She's an entrepreneur with multiple successful ventures in the beauty industry, delivering exceptional results with passion and expertise.

Hair Extensions and Why the Halo is the Best [Infographic]

In this article

    "Are Halo hair extensions for me?" you might ask yourself...

    And it's a good question.

    Let me start by saying that I'm not suggesting that the Halo extension is the cure-all solution to every hair problem.

    Truthfully, most girls LOVE it.

    But if I'm being completely honest, there are some who don't.

    It can feel a little bit different at first.

    Especially if you've worn other extensions in the past that attach to your hair with glues, or clips. etc.

    For some people it'll take a week to get used to.

    (But trust me, it's worth the investment).

    Here's what we do know: The halo has caused a revolution in the hair extensions industry.

    And it's a solution to many girls pet-hates with hair extensions.

    How do halos compare with other hair extensions?

    In this infographic (below) we explore the reason why so many girls are opting for the Halo.

    And we compare the Halo Extension head-to-head with other common hair extension methods, like tapes, wefts and clip-ins.

    We have intentionally grouped tapes and glues together since they have many of the same benefits and downfalls.

    Of course we haven't included all the methods, only the most common ones.

    Here they are:

    why choose halo hair extension infographic

    Transcript from the Infographic:

    Hair extensions have become a must have accessory among women looking to glam up their hair.

    But as it goes with every beauty procedure they come with their pros and cons.

    There are four different hair extension methods;

    And while the Halo has only been on the market for a few years it has been proven to be everyone's new favourite.

    Here's why:

    1. Tapes (tape in)
    2. Wefts (weave in)
    3. Clip-ins
    4. Halo

    Popular: 10 Most Frequently Asked Questions About the Halo

    1. Pros and cons of Tape-in Hair Extensions

    Tapes are reams of hair taped on to your natural hair using glue/adhesive.

    They are easily detectable as your hair moves and tend to show up more as your hair grows out.

    Which means they'll need to be raised up by your hairdresser every 1-2 months.

    This comes at an additional cost.

    Because of the chemicals used in the adhesives and the anti-adhesives when taking them off, they tend to cause your hair to dry out and become brittle.

    This causes breakage.


    • Permanent: YES
    • Time to put in: 60 minutes
    • Time to take out: 60 minutes
    • Hair damage: Major
    • Cost (AUD): $150-$1,200
    • Maintenance: High
    • Irritation: High
    • Rating: 1/5 stars

    2. Pros and cons of Weave-in hair extensions

    Wefts are a ream of hair permanently weaved into your natural hair tightly to the root of your hair.

    They tend to be quite uncomfortable [because they pull on your natural hair] and hard to keep clean.

    They're known to cause headaches, at least for the first 1-3 years of using them and again every time they are brought up (every 1-2 months).

    Because they are fastened to your hair they can cause considerable damage to your natural hair when used over long periods of time.

    As as mentioned earlier, they have to be brought up as your hair grows out which comes at a regular extra fee.

    • Permanent: YES
    • Time to put in: 120 minutes
    • Time to take out: 120 minutes
    • Hair damage: Major
    • Cost (AUD): $400-$1,000
    • Maintenance: High
    • Irritation: High
    • Rating: 1/5 stars

    3. Pros and cons of Clip-in Hair Extensions

    Clip-ins are the better of two evils.

    They're popularised by the extreme downsides of other methods, but still causes more damage to your own hair than any of the other methods.

    They can however be applied and removed by yourself.

    Although the task of applying and removing is time consuming and can become frustrating.

    Which is why most clip-in users tend to default to not using hair extensions at all.

    • Permanent: YES [Correction: It should say 'semi-permanent']
    • Time to put in: 15 minutes
    • Time to take out: 5 minutes
    • Hair damage: Moderate
    • Cost (AUD): $150-$1,200
    • Maintenance: Minor
    • Irritation: Moderate
    • Rating: 3/5 stars

    4. Pros and cons of Halo Hair Extensions

    Halo hair extensions are a one-piece hair extension held on by a clear, thin wire and worn by placing it on your head like a halo with your own hair pulled through and over.

    Thicker than most other hair extensions they make a great option for achieving length, volume or both.

    While they are absolutely perfect for everyday use halo hair extensions are also great for special events like weddings where you don't want to worry about your hair extensions showing.

    The only downfall of the Halo Hair Extension is that because of the complexity in manufacturing, the per-gram cost tends to be 5-10% higher than other methods.

    • Permanent: NO
    • Time to put in: 20 seconds
    • Time to take out: 3 seconds (yes, only 3)
    • Hair damage: None
    • Cost (AUD): $229-$429) [Updated pricing]
    • Maintenance: Minor
    • Irritation: Minor
    • Rating: 5/5 stars

    The halo hair extension causes no hair damage, requires no clips, and provides an easy and instant natural looks.

    Secure and comfortable:

    It's easily adjustable feature allows for a snug fit around your head and under your hair.

    The hair sits on the perfect angle neatly beneath your occipital bone.

    Oh, so au naturel!

    It's designed with the perfect thickness and weight balance, so it will naturally blend with your hair.

    Cut a few layers and it's guaranteed to blend even more.

    Cares for your hair

    The halo hair is gentle. It doesn't need to be attached with any nasty glues or heavy clips.

    While the others can cause a lot of stress the halo cares for your hair.

    Where we got our information for our hair extensions infographic

    The information used to create this infographic was collected from online reviews of the different methods, my own anecdotal experience of using ALL these methods myself, and the experiences of the people in my life who I have spoken to and worked with.

    By no account does this infographic represent everyones opinions.

    It's the average of the opinions of the people and reviews as mentioned above.

    Also keep in mind that the criteria we used for comparing the methods was selected based on the most common questions we receive (which we therefore perceive as being the most important).

    The one criteria that I think could have been added in hindsight is: Secureness...if that's a word? In other words, how secure the hair is when you're wearing it.

    If this was the case, here's how I believe they would be rated:

    - Tapes: 5/5
    - Wefts: 5/5
    - Clip-ins: 4/5
    - Halo: 4/5 [The halo is surprisingly secure. Try it]

    Please leave your comments, thoughts and ideas below!



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