2 Quick And Easy Ways To Style The Halo With Heidi Hamoud
The gorgeous Heidi Hamoud shares her go-to hairstyles using our Sitting Pretty Halo Hair extensions.
"The main reason I prefer using my Sitting Pretty Halo Hair over clip in extensions is because it's so much easier to put in.
I used to spend so much time sectioning my hair, clipping in hair extensions... And I found that they never blended in with my hair that well. My head just felt heavy, and the clips would tug at my hair.
I've also tried tape extensions in my hair and that damaged so much. Like I had such thin hair after that. So I found, to me, personally, this is the best option. And I love it, you can't see the string, you can't tell that it's [not my real hair]. I absolutely love it!"

In this article
The gorgeous Heidi Hamoud (@heidimakeupartist on Insta) shares her go-to hairstyles using our Sitting Pretty Halo Hair extensions.
As she explains in the video below:
"The main reason I prefer using my Sitting Pretty Halo Hair over clip in extensions is because it's so much easier to put in.
I used to spend so much time sectioning my hair, clipping in hair extensions... And I found that they never blended in with my hair that well. My head just felt heavy, and the clips would tug at my hair.
I've also tried tape extensions in my hair and that damaged so much. Like I had such thin hair after that. So I found, to me, personally, this is the best option. And I love it, you can't see the string, you can't tell that it's [not my real hair]. I absolutely love it!"
Easy Hairstyles with our Halo Hair extensions
In the video below, you'll learn:
1. How to curl your Halo Hair extensions for natural waves
2. How to put your hair in a ponytail with Halo extensions
Heidi wears our THICK Halo in Light Brown 6. Get it here
Watch Heidi create her all time fave Sitting Pretty Halo hairstyles:
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[Full transcript]
Hello my loves, welcome back to my channel. I hope you're all doing so well. So I am super excited about today's video, I feel like this has been long awaited because I've been talking about this for so long. So today's video is going to be a hair tutorial and I haven't done one of these in so long, but I'm really excited about today's one because I am filming with hair extensions. But a different kind of hair extensions.
Okay so today I'm going to be filming with my Sitting Pretty Halo Hair. If you guys follow me Instagram you would know or you would have seen that I have been raving about these for almost two months now, or a little bit over two months now. These were gifted to me, yeah about two months ago and I have been wearing them non-stop, so I want to show you guys real quick.
What I like about these hair extensions is that they're not clip in hair extensions. So I previously was was like living for clip in hair extensions, but after I tried these I actually can't go back.
So the Sitting Pretty Halo Hair is literally a one-piece hair extension on a wire. So it basically sits on top of your head like a Halo and it blends into your hair.
So these come in three different types of thicknesses, so there's ummm... I thought the correct term is like thin... So there's Thin, Medium and Thick. And this one is the thickest and I absolutely love it.
Okay so I want to show you two hairstyles that you can create with Sitting Pretty Halo Hair, two of my all-time favourite hairstyles to wear with these.
The first one is the one that will require the most work, whereas the second will be super easy.
But yes, I think I have spoken for quite a little while now so I'm going to jump right into this video and I really hope you enjoy it.
Okay so you can see before I put them in...
My hair, it's actually grown a fair bit which I'm so happy about but it's still pretty short and it sits just above my boobs...and my hair is also really fine so it's quite thin, there's a lot of it but it's just my hair is just not that thick...
So I really love that this gives me the thickness that I've always dreamed of and a lot of length. So this has also been cut to blend in with my hair as well, but this is what it looks like in all its glory. It comes with a few different wires but I prefer to keep the one that it comes with, it already has this one on it when it comes.
So I am just going to put mine about here, hold it on the corners and push it down. And then it sits about there. I'm just gonna grab my mirror. So I'm going to take the pointy corner of this tail comb, this is also by Sitting Pretty, and I'm just going to use that to thread my hair through.
It's literally that easier to put in, you don't have to worry about sectioning your hair and clipping them in! It's literally that easy. I haven't even styled my hair yet and look how amazing it already looks. Every single time I put it in my hair, and I swear I'm not just saying that, like you can see for yourself, it looks freaking amazing. You can't even see the wire. As long as you've threaded the hair through properly you're not gonna be able to see it. I can sometimes see it, because little hairs get caught through, but that's when you have to make sure that you pull them through and it covers them perfectly.
For this first hairstyle I am going to curl them. Before I do that, I'm just going to brush through my hair. And, yeah I know my bangs look really bad but they are currently growing out and I have told myself that I am never ever cutting bangs again cuz it looks terrible.
I'm gonna stand up actually and show you where exactly they sit. Now I'm really happy with the length, it sits perfectly on me, it's literally like just under my boobies. Okay so to curl my hair I split this in half and I'll tie up one half, and I just like to go from one side of my head to the other. That's just what works better for me. It's very straightforward, I'm gonna section quite a big chunk at the bottom. I like to curl my hair big chunks - I don't like to do like little curls, I prefer it to be more of a wave - so I'm just going to put that up.
And the way I curl my hair is pretty straightforward I just curl going outwards... and yeah that's pretty much it.
So just like that, I hold it for about five seconds... two, three, four, five, and let it out. I'll hold it in my hand for a little bit, bouncing up and down just while it cools a little bit, and then I let it out.
Also I love to use a really big curling tong. It's just my favorite to create that really perfect wave. So it's literally so straightforward, I just curl my hair the same all the way through.
So now I've got my hair all curled and this literally takes me about 15 minutes to do. It does not take long at all which is what I love. Like this whole hairstyle literally takes me 15 minutes, which is a god send when you're tight for time.
So I will let this side cool real quick because I've just finished that side but with this side I'm gonna start running my fingers through it to loosen up the curls and turn them more into a wave.
I'll even just brush it through a little bit...
But that's actually perfect.
And sometimes I don't even spray it. Sometimes, depending on how much I want the curls to drop, I'll just leave it. But if I do want it to hold a little bit more, I don't really use hairspray, I use the bumble and bumble thickening dryspun finish spray.
This is my all-time favourite. So I'll just place it here like this...
I love it...
and I'll just brush through it again.
Okay so you just want to keep playing around with the curls until they sit the way you want them to. And with my fringe, this is the only part of my hair that I hairspray, I'll just spray it really lightly at the top, and kind of push it into the curls so that little bits don't come out, because that bothers me so much when that happens.
But yeah this is pretty much it, this is how the majority of the time I style my hair when I'm wearing my Sitting Pretty Halo Hair. I absolutely love it. Obsessed.
As I mentioned, the artificial light makes these little lighter bits stand out a lot more, but trust me when I'm in natural light, you guys see this all the time on my Instagram, it blends in so much better. I've had to use a lot of artificial light today as well because it is currently 5 p.m. in the evening it is literally, I'm not even joking, 5 degrees in my studio and in 5 degrees Celsius. You know how cold it is, that's why I'm wearing a hoodie. Like it is so cold.
I'm going to show you my second hairstyle that I love to do with these hair extensions and this one is super easy. Once you have your hair all curled then there's really nothing to it.
Okay so what I'm first going to do is take a little bit of hair up here and brush it back below. Then very lightly just tease the crown of my head just like that. I'm just gonna lightly spray it and then brush it down...
Once that is done you want to grab all of your hair. Basically this look is a ponytail and you can actually, if you want like a higher ponytail, you can take the Halo out and put your hair up in a ponytail and wrap it around.
This for me is my favourite way because I find it looks the most natural and it's just most flattering. I love this hairstyle. So I'm going to take a few bits out just like that and it could be long bits, it can be short bits... and then you sort of tie this up and pull it tight.
This hairstyle I find looks a little bit more fancy, so you can easily wear this to like a wedding or something. So I always put the pony to the side and then to jig it up a little bit I love to wrap a scarf around the pony. This is a really cute scarf that I'm just gonna tie around here...
And just like that! I'm gonna turn around and show you guys how this looks. This is another one of my favourite ways to style my Halo. There is so many, so many, so many ways you can style it and so many quick and easy hairstyles you can do.
So if you would like to see me do another video of other hairstyles that are super quick and easy to do with the Sitting Pretty Halo Hair then let me know in the comments down below.
Yeah the main reason I prefer using my Sitting Pretty Halo Hair over clip in extensions is because it's so much easier to put in. I used to spend so much time sectioning my hair, clipping in hair extensions and I found that they never blended in with my hair that well. And my head just felt heavy, and the clips would tug at my hair. And I've also tried tape extensions in my hair and that damaged so much, like I had such thin hair after that. So I found to me, personally, this is the best option. And I love it, you can't see the string, you can't tell that it's fake. So yeah I absolutely love it!
In summary, here's the top 5 reasons why Heidi is obsessed with our Halo Hair extensions:
- Thicker, longer hair, of course: "I really love that this gives me the thickness that I've always dreamed of and a lot of length"
- "It looks freaking amazing" - even when she hasn't styled her Halo
- The Halo is so much quicker and easier to put in than clip in extensions
- They look so natural!! She finds her Halo blends in with her hair better than her clip in extensions
- The Halo is damage free, unlike the tape extensions she tried which completely damaged her hair
Love this video? Comment below which other hairstyles you'd love to see with our Sitting Pretty Halo!
Read next:
- 5 Amazing Hairstyles with Halo Hair Extensions
- How To Put Halo Hair Extensions In A Ponytail [A High Ponytail Too]

Just high quality, beautifully designed halo hair extensions for natural, down to earth bombshells.
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